These are some of my recent projects


Tic Tac Toe is a common game played by us. It's a small project made by me in python using pygame and numpy package.

2048 GAME

2048 game is a common game played by us. It is a single player slidinig tile puzzle game. The game starts with 2 box of value 2. 2 boxes with same value merges into a tile with double value of them. After every move 1 new tile of value 2 appears. The game is won when a tile with value 2048 appears. But if all the grids filled with tiles and 2048 doesn't appear, then the game is over. This is a simple code using python to make 2048 game.


This is a simple calculator which performs the most common arithmetic operations. I have made it using tkinter in python. The code is very easy and simple.


This is a simple login page using tkinter and PIL in python. If both the username and password are correct then only it will show a message that login successfull, otherwise it will show incorrect username or password.


This is a real time invisible cloak using opencv in python. At first the camera will store the picture of the backgroud, then when someone come infront of the camera and cover themselve with a red cloth, the foreground of the red potion will be replaced by the backgroud picture. So basically the red cloth will look like an invisible cloak.


Canny edge detection using opencv in python. This is an beginner level project of machine learning.


Air Canvas using OpenCv in Python. Draw in the air and you can see it in the computer screen.

Face Detection

Real time face detection using opencv in python. Harcascade_Frontalface_default.xml file is used. This can detect every face infront of the camera.